Adult Volunteers for 2025 Peace Camp

June 2-6, 2025 | We are thrilled to bring back Interfaith Peace Camp for June 2nd-6th, 2025.
Camp will take place from 9 am-4 pm indoors and outdoors at UUCCI 7850 E. Goeller Rd, Columbus, IN 47202. Volunteers make this week possible! We look forward to sharing talent, time, and having fun together.
Adrienne Summerlot, Children's Ministry Coordinator at UUCCI will oversee day-to-day Peace Camp as well as training and oversight of volunteers. Please contact her at with any questions.
This form is for Volunteering for Peace Camp, see separate forms for registering your child or to register a youth as a counselor in training.

All Volunteers are welcome and encouraged to attend our training. 

If you are serving as a leader or assistant working daily with the group, it is MANDATORY that you attend training on Sunday, May 18th  at UUCCI/ Interfaith Campus 7850 W. Goeller Rd Columbus, IN from 1-3pm with light lunch provided.
We will orient to the building and grounds, first aid supplies, go over schedules, rosters, learn games, etc. 

Specialty leaders are welcome to come in for the 1st hour to introduce yourselves to the group and let us know how we can best support you with our leadership during this time.  Please let us know if you are planning to attend! 

Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Contact & Communication Information

Please select one option.
Volunteer Commitment and Interest

Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select all that apply.
Please select one option.
Medical Information (ALL VOLUNTEERS)

Please share any relevant medical or special instructions we may need to know about you while you are in our care at Peace Camp.  This could be allergies, fears, concerns to help keep them safe, etc.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Medical Authorization for Peace Camp

I hereby authorize the Peace Camp staff of UUCCI (paid or volunteer) to take any reasonable action to obtain emergency medical care for me or my youth and absolve them of any liability for such action.  I hereby authorize any emergency medical, surgical, diagnostic, and hospital care, treatment of procedures deemed immediately necessary or advisable by emergency medical technicians, a physician, or a hospital to safeguard me or my youth's health in the event I cannot be easily contacted.  I also agree to be responsible for any medical expenses not covered by my insurance.
Photo Permission

If you give permission to photograph or videotape your children while participating in UUCCI Programming, please sign this standard Media Release Form.  These photos may be posted within the church and/or published on the church website or Facebook page. Names of children in the photos will not be published.

Media Release Form

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Columbus Indiana (UUCCI)

On occasion, UUCCI takes photographs and/or videos of adults and children in action as they participate in the congregational events such as worship, RE Classes, Peace Camp, and social justice action.  UUCCI would like to be able to use these images to promote UU activities and our congregation to the broader community.  We commit to do so with respect and consideration, and only for the purpose of promoting the mission and principles of UUCCI.  Photos and videos shall not reveal personal information, never identifying youth or children by names or addresses.

Please select one option.
I hereby authorize UUCCI, as an adult for myself OR as the parent and/or legal guardian of the child/children listed below, to photograph and/or videotape these children while they are participating in UUCCI activities, RE Programming (such as Peace Camp, Youth Group, UU services, UU social action, etc.) and any other time they are on UUCCI property.  These photos and recordings may be displayed or shared by UUCCI within the church and/or published to the broader community, whether on the UUCCI social media accounts such as its website or Facebook page or other channels, to further UUCCI's mission and principles.  No minor will be identified by name, and no private information about the minor will be published.


June 2-6, 2025
We are thrilled to bring back Interfaith Peace Camp for June 2nd-6th, 2025.
Camp will take place from 9 am-4 pm indoors and outdoors at UUCCI 7850 E. Goeller Rd, Columbus, IN 47202. Volunteers make this week possible! We look forward to sharing talent, time, and having fun together.
Adrienne Summerlot, Children's Ministry Coordinator at UUCCI will oversee day-to-day Peace Camp as well as training and oversight of volunteers. Please contact her at with any questions.
This form is for Volunteering for Peace Camp, see separate forms for registering your child or to register a youth as a counselor in training.